
 * Represents a time interval metadata used to mark the beginning and ending
 * of opening or closing credits.
export type TimeInterval = {
   * The type of the time interval.
   * An integer representing the mark in time.
  markIn: number;
   * An integer representing the mark out time.
  markOut: number;
 * Represents a media segment with detailed metadata.
export type Segment = {
   * Unique identifier for the segment.
  id: string;
   * Type of media.
  mediaType: AudioType;
   * Vendor of the segment.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) specifying the segment details.
  urn: string;
   * Title of the segment. Limited to 2000 characters.
  title: string;
   * Lead information for the segment.
  lead: string;
   * Description of the segment.
  description: string;
   * Media description for the segment.
  mediaDescription: string;
   * URL of the image associated with the segment.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the segment. Limited to 2000 characters.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * Reason for blocking.
  blockReason: BlockReason;
   * Youth protection color. Allowed values: 'YELLOW', 'RED'.
  youthProtectionColor: 'YELLOW' | 'RED';
   * Type of the segment. Allowed values: 'EPISODE', 'EXTRACT', 'TRAILER', 'CLIP', 'LIVESTREAM', 'SCHEDULED_LIVESTREAM'.
   * Date and time information in ISO8601 format.
  date: string;
   * Duration of the segment in seconds.
  duration: number;
   * URL for the standard definition podcast.
  podcastSdUrl: string;
   * URL for the high definition podcast.
  podcastHdUrl: string;
   * Start date and time for the validity period in ISO8601 format.
  validFrom: string;
   * End date and time for the validity period in ISO8601 format.
  validTo: string;
   * Entity responsible for the assignment. Allowed values: 'EDITOR', 'TRENDING', 'RECOMMENDATION'.
   * Indicates if the segment is playable abroad.
  playableAbroad: boolean;
   * List of related content items.
  relatedContentList: Array<RelatedContent>;
   * List of social count entries.
  socialCountList: Array<SocialCountEntry>;
   * Indicates if the segment is displayable.
  displayable: boolean;
   * Full-length URN specifying the segment details.
  fullLengthUrn: string;
   * Position of the segment.
  position: number;
   * Indicates if the segment should not be embedded.
  noEmbed: boolean;
   * List of subtitle entries.
  subtitleList: Array<Subtitle>;
   * Analytics data for the segment.
  analyticsData: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Metadata for analytics purposes.
  analyticsMetadata: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Event data associated with the segment.
  eventData: string;
   * List of player properties.
  playerProperties: Array<PlayerProperty>;
   * List of tags associated with the segment.
  tagList: Array<string>;
   * Label for the segment.
  label: string;
   * Integer representing the mark in time.
  markIn: number;
   * Integer representing the mark out time.
  markOut: number;
 * Represents a chapter of media content.
export type Chapter = {
   * Unique identifier for the chapter.
  id: string;
   * Type of media content (AUDIO or VIDEO).
  mediaType: AudioType;
   * Vendor associated with the chapter.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the chapter.
  urn: string;
   * Title of the chapter.
  title: string;
   * Lead information for the chapter.
  lead: string;
   * Description of the chapter.
  description: string;
   * Media description of the chapter.
  mediaDescription: string;
   * URL of the image associated with the chapter.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the chapter.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * Reason for blocking the chapter.
  blockReason: BlockReason;
   * Youth protection color code.
  youthProtectionColor: 'YELLOW' | 'RED';
   * Type of the chapter.
   * Date and time information for the chapter.
  date: string;
   * Duration of the chapter in seconds.
  duration: number;
   * URL for the standard-definition podcast.
  podcastSdUrl: string;
   * URL for the high-definition podcast.
  podcastHdUrl: string;
   * Validity start date and time for the chapter.
  validFrom: string;
   * Validity end date and time for the chapter.
  validTo: string;
   * User who assigned the chapter.
   * Indicates if the chapter is playable abroad.
  playableAbroad: boolean;
   * List of related content for the chapter.
  relatedContentList: Array<RelatedContent>;
   * List of social media counts for the chapter.
  socialCountList: Array<SocialCountEntry>;
   * Indicates if the chapter is displayable.
  displayable: boolean;
   * URN for the full-length version of the chapter.
  fullLengthUrn: string;
   * Position of the chapter.
  position: number;
   * Indicates if the chapter can be embedded.
  noEmbed: boolean;
   * List of subtitles for the chapter.
  subtitleList: Array<Subtitle>;
   * Analytics data for the chapter.
  analyticsData: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Metadata for analytics associated with the chapter.
  analyticsMetadata: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Event data associated with the chapter.
  eventData: string;
   * List of player properties for the chapter.
  playerProperties: Array<PlayerProperty>;
   * List of tags associated with the chapter.
  tagList: Array<string>;
   * Label information for the chapter.
  label: string;
   * Mark in time for the full-length version of the chapter.
  fullLengthMarkIn: number;
   * Mark out time for the full-length version of the chapter.
  fullLengthMarkOut: number;
   * List of resources associated with the chapter.
  resourceList: Array<Resource>;
   * List of segments associated with the chapter.
  segmentList: Array<Segment>;
   * Start time for the pre-trailer content.
  preTrailerStart: string;
   * Stop time for the post-trailer content.
  postTrailerStop: string;
   * CESIM (Content, Episode, Segment, Image, Module) identifier for the chapter.
  cesimId: string;
   * List of HbbtvProperties for the chapter.
  hbbtvProperties: Array<HbbtvProperties>;
   * Name of the creator of the chapter.
  creatorName: string;
   * User associated with the creator of the chapter.
  creatorUser: string;
   * Aspect ratio of the chapter.
  aspectRatio: '1:1' | '4:5' | '4:3' | '9:16' | '16:9';
   * DVR reference date and time for the chapter.
  dvrReferenceDate: string;
   * List of time intervals associated with the chapter.
  timeIntervalList: Array<TimeInterval>;
   * Sprite sheet information for the chapter.
  spriteSheet: SpriteSheet;
 * Represents a resource associated with a media segment.
export type Resource = {
   * URL of the resource.
  url: string;
   * List of Digital Rights Management (DRM) information for the resource.
  drmList: Array<DrmMetadata>;
   * Quality of the resource.
  quality: QualityType;
   * Protocol used for streaming the resource.
  protocol: 'HLS' | 'HLS-DVR' | 'HDS' | 'HDS-DVR' | 'RTMP' | 'HTTP' | 'HTTPS' | 'HTTP-M3U' | 'HTTP-MP3-STREAM' | 'DASH' | 'DASH-DVR';
   * Encoding used for the resource.
  encoding: 'H264' | 'VP6F' | 'MPEG2' | 'WMV3' | 'AAC' | 'AAC-HE' | 'MP3' | 'MP2' | 'WMAV2';
   * MIME type of the resource.
  mimeType: string;
   * Presentation mode of the resource.
  presentation: PresentationType;
   * Streaming type of the resource.
  streaming: StreamingType;
   * Indicates if the resource supports Digital Video Recorder (DVR).
  dvr: boolean;
   * Indicates if the resource is a live stream.
  live: boolean;
   * Media container type of the resource.
  mediaContainer: 'MP4' | 'MKV' | 'MPEG2_TS' | 'FMP4' | 'NONE' | 'UNKNOWN';
   * Audio codec used for the resource.
  audioCodec: 'AAC' | 'AAC-HE' | 'MP3' | 'MP2' | 'WMAV2' | 'UNKNOWN';
   * Video codec used for the resource.
  videoCodec: 'H264' | 'VP6F' | 'MPEG2' | 'WMV3' | 'NONE' | 'UNKNOWN';
   * Token type used for the resource.
  tokenType: TokenType;
   * List of audio tracks associated with the resource.
  audioTrackList: Array<AudioTrack>;
   * List of subtitle information associated with the resource.
  subtitleInformationList: Array<SubtitleInformation>;
   * Analytics data for the resource.
  analyticsData: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Metadata for analytics purposes.
  analyticsMetadata: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Stream offset for the resource.
  streamOffset: number;
 * Represents related content associated with a media segment.
export type RelatedContent = {
   * Unique identifier for the related content.
  id: string;
   * Title of the related content. Limited to 2000 characters.
  title: string;
   * Lead information for the related content.
  lead: string;
   * Description of the related content.
  description: string;
   * URL of the related content.
  url: string;
   * Type of content.
  contentType: string;
   * Indicates if the related content is external.
  isExternal: boolean;
 * Represents subtitle information for a media segment.
export type Subtitle = {
   * Locale information for the subtitle.
  locale: string;
   * Language of the subtitle.
  language: string;
   * Source of the subtitle.
  source: 'EXTERNAL' | TrackSourceType;
   * Type of the subtitle.
  type: 'SDH';
   * URL of the subtitle.
  url: string;
   * Format of the subtitle.
  format: 'TTML' | 'VTT';
 * Represents a social media count entry associated with a media segment.
export type SocialCountEntry = {
   * Key identifying the type of social media count.
  key: 'srgView' | 'srgLike' | 'fbShare' | 'googleShare' | 'twitterShare' | 'whatsAppShare';
   * Count value for the social media entry.
  value: number;
 * Represents a player property associated with a media segment.
export type PlayerProperty = {
   * Key identifying the type of player property.
  key: 'iFrameUrl' | 'playerUrl' | 'playerRelativeIconImageUrl' | 'playerWidth' | 'playerHeight';
   * Value of the player property.
  value: string;
 * Represents Digital Rights Management (DRM) information associated with a media resource.
export type DrmMetadata = {
   * Type of DRM used for the resource.
   * URL for the DRM license.
  licenseUrl: string;
   * URL for the DRM certificate.
  certificateUrl: string;
 * Represents audio track information associated with a media resource.
export type AudioTrack = {
   * Locale information for the audio track.
  locale: string;
   * Language of the audio track.
  language: string;
   * Source of the audio track.
  source: TrackSourceType;
   * Type of the audio track.
 * Represents subtitle information associated with a media resource.
export type SubtitleInformation = {
   * Locale information for the subtitle.
  locale: string;
   * Language of the subtitle.
  language: string;
   * Source of the subtitle information.
  source: 'EXTERNAL' | TrackSourceType;
   * Type of the subtitle information.
  type: 'SDH';
 * Represents HbbTV properties associated with a chapter.
export type HbbtvProperties = {
   * Indicates the availability of the red button feature.
  redButton: boolean;
   * URL link associated with the image for HbbTV.
  imageLink: string;
 * Represents a sprite sheet associated with a chapter.
export type SpriteSheet = {
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the sprite sheet.
  urn: string;
   * Number of rows in the sprite sheet.
  rows: number;
   * Number of columns in the sprite sheet.
  columns: number;
   * Height of each thumbnail in the sprite sheet.
  thumbnailHeight: number;
   * Width of each thumbnail in the sprite sheet.
  thumbnailWidth: number;
   * Interval between frames in milliseconds.
  interval: number;
   * URL link to the sprite sheet.
  url: string;
 * Represents an episode of media content.
export type Episode = {
   * Unique identifier for the episode.
  id: string;
   * Title of the episode.
  title: string;
   * Lead description of the episode.
  lead: string;
   * Detailed description of the episode.
  description: string;
   * Date and time when the episode was published.
  publishedDate: string;
   * URL of the image associated with the episode.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the episode.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the episode image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the full-length version of the episode.
  fullLengthUrn: string;
   * Season number to which the episode belongs.
  seasonNumber: number;
   * Episode number.
  number: number;
   * Social count entry for the episode.
  socialCount: SocialCountEntry;
 * Represents a show.
export type Show = {
   * Unique identifier for the show.
  id: string;
   * Vendor of the show.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * Type of transmission for the show.
  transmission: TransmissionType;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the show.
  urn: string;
   * Title of the show.
  title: string;
   * Lead description of the show.
  lead: string;
   * Detailed description of the show.
  description: string;
   * URL of the image associated with the show.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the show.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the show image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * URL of the banner image for the show.
  bannerImageUrl: string;
   * URL of the poster image for the show.
  posterImageUrl: string;
   * Indicates if the poster image is a fallback URL.
  posterImageIsFallbackUrl: boolean;
   * URL of the podcast image for the show.
  podcastImageUrl: string;
   * Indicates if the podcast image is a fallback URL.
  podcastImageIsFallbackUrl: boolean;
   * URL of the show's homepage.
  homepageUrl: string;
   * URL for podcast subscription.
  podcastSubscriptionUrl: string;
   * URL for podcast feed (SD).
  podcastFeedSdUrl: string;
   * URL for podcast feed (HD).
  podcastFeedHdUrl: string;
   * URL for podcast on Deezer.
  podcastDeezerUrl: string;
   * URL for podcast on Spotify.
  podcastSpotifyUrl: string;
   * URL for the show's timetable.
  timeTableUrl: string;
   * List of links associated with the show.
  links: Array<Link>;
   * ID of the primary channel for the show.
  primaryChannelId: string;
   * Number of times the show has been viewed.
  viewedMedias: number;
   * Number of episodes available for the show.
  numberOfEpisodes: number;
   * List of available audio languages for the show.
  availableAudioLanguageList: Array<Language>;
   * List of available subtitle languages for the show.
  availableSubtitleLanguageList: Array<Language>;
   * List of available video quality options for the show.
  availableVideoQualityList: Array<QualityType>;
   * Indicates if audio description is available for the show.
  audioDescriptionAvailable: boolean;
   * Indicates if subtitles are available for the show.
  subtitlesAvailable: boolean;
   * Indicates if multiple audio languages are available for the show.
  multiAudioLanguagesAvailable: boolean;
   * List of topics associated with the show.
  topicList: Array<Topic>;
   * Information about the show's broadcast.
  broadcastInformation: BroadcastInformation;
   * Indicates if the show is allowed to be indexed.
  allowIndexing: boolean;
   * Information about the next scheduled broadcast for the show.
  nextScheduledBroadcast: ScheduledBroadcast;
   * List of programs for the next scheduled broadcasts.
  nextScheduledBroadcastList: Array<Program>;
   * URN of the primary channel for the show.
  primaryChannelUrn: string;
 * Represents a channel.
export type Channel = {
   * Unique identifier for the channel.
  id: string;
   * Vendor of the channel.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * Title of the channel.
  title: string;
   * Lead description of the channel.
  lead: string;
   * Detailed description of the channel.
  description: string;
   * URL of the image associated with the channel.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Raw URL of the image associated with the channel.
  imageUrlRaw: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the channel.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the channel image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * Type of transmission for the channel.
  transmission: TransmissionType;
   * URL for the channel's timetable.
  timeTableUrl: string;
   * Information about the presenter associated with the channel.
  presenter: Presenter;
   * Information about the currently airing program on the channel.
  now: Program;
   * Information about the next scheduled program on the channel.
  next: Program;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the channel.
  urn: string;
 * Represents a topic.
export type Topic = {
   * Unique identifier for the topic.
  id: string;
   * Vendor of the topic.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * Type of transmission for the topic.
  transmission: TransmissionType;
   * URN (Uniform Resource Name) for the topic.
  urn: string;
   * Title of the topic.
  title: string;
   * Lead description of the topic.
  lead: string;
   * Detailed description of the topic.
  description: string;
   * Number of viewed medias related to the topic.
  viewedMedias: number;
   * URL of the image associated with the topic.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Title of the image associated with the topic.
  imageTitle: string;
   * Copyright information for the topic image.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * List of subtopics associated with the main topic.
  subTopicList: Array<SubTopic>;
 * Represents a link.
export type Link = {
   * The title of the link.
  title: string;
   * The URL link.
  link: string;
 * Represents a language.
export type Language = {
   * The locale of the language.
  locale: string;
   * The language code.
  language: string;
 * Represents a subtopic.
export type SubTopic = {
   * The unique identifier for the subtopic.
  id: string;
   * The vendor of the subtopic.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * The transmission type of the subtopic.
  transmission: TransmissionType;
   * The URN of the subtopic.
  urn: string;
   * The title of the subtopic.
  title: string;
   * The lead information for the subtopic.
  lead: string;
   * The description of the subtopic.
  description: string;
   * The number of viewed medias for the subtopic.
  viewedMedias: number;
   * The URL of the image associated with the subtopic.
  imageUrl: string;
   * The title of the image associated with the subtopic.
  imageTitle: string;
   * The copyright information of the image associated with the subtopic.
  imageCopyright: string;
 * Represents a presenter.
export type Presenter = {
   * The name of the presenter.
  name: string;
   * The URL associated with the presenter.
  url: string;
   * The URL of the image associated with the presenter.
  imageUrl: string;
   * The title of the image associated with the presenter.
  imageTitle: string;
   * The copyright information of the image associated with the presenter.
  imageCopyright: string;
 * Represents broadcast information.
export type BroadcastInformation = {
   * The hint text associated with the broadcast.
  hintText: string;
   * The URL associated with the broadcast.
  url: string;
   * The start date and time of the broadcast in ISO 8601 format.
  startDate: string;
   * The end date and time of the broadcast in ISO 8601 format.
  endDate: string;
 * Represents a scheduled broadcast.
export type ScheduledBroadcast = {
   * The title of the scheduled broadcast.
  title: string;
   * The start time of the scheduled broadcast in ISO 8601 format.
  startTime: string;
   * The end time of the scheduled broadcast in ISO 8601 format.
  endTime: string;
   * The title of the channel associated with the scheduled broadcast.
  channelTitle: string;
   * The URN (Uniform Resource Name) associated with the channel.
  channelUrn: string;
 * Represents a program.
export type Program = {
   * The title of the program.
  title: string;
   * The start time of the program in ISO 8601 format.
  startTime: string;
   * The end time of the program in ISO 8601 format.
  endTime: string;
   * The lead information of the program.
  lead: string;
   * The description of the program.
  description: string;
   * The URL of the image associated with the program.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Indicates whether the image is a fallback URL.
  imageIsFallbackUrl: boolean;
   * The title of the image associated with the program.
  imageTitle: string;
   * The copyright information of the image associated with the program.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * The URL associated with the program.
  url: string;
   * The show associated with the program.
  show: Show;
   * The title of the program.
  programTitle: string;
   * The URL associated with the program.
  programUrl: string;
   * The title of the episode.
  episodeTitle: string;
   * The URL associated with the episode.
  episodeUrl: string;
   * The title of the image associated with the episode.
  episodeImageTitle: string;
   * The URL of the image associated with the episode.
  episodeImageUrl: string;
   * The URN (Uniform Resource Name) associated with the media.
  mediaUrn: string;
   * The genre of the program.
  genre: string;
   * The season number of the program.
  seasonNumber: number;
   * The episode number of the program.
  episodeNumber: number;
   * The total number of episodes.
  episodesTotal: number;
   * The production year of the program.
  productionYear: number;
   * The production country of the program.
  productionCountry: string;
   * The color code for youth protection.
  youthProtectionColor: string;
   * The subtitle information of the program.
  subtitle: string;
   * The title of the block associated with the program.
  blockTitle: string;
   * The original title of the program.
  originalTitle: string;
   * The list of credits associated with the program.
  creditList: Array<Credit>;
   * The list of sub-programs associated with the program.
  subProgramList: Array<Program>;
   * Indicates whether subtitles are available.
  subtitlesAvailable: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program is live.
  isLive: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program has two languages.
  hasTwoLanguages: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program has sign language.
  hasSignLanguage: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program has visual description.
  hasVisualDescription: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program is a follow-up.
  isFollowUp: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program is in Dolby Digital.
  isDolbyDigital: boolean;
   * Indicates whether the program is a repetition.
  isRepetition: boolean;
   * The description of the repetition.
  repetitionDescription: string;
   * The broadcast information associated with the program.
  broadcastInfo: string;
   * The title of the channel associated with the program.
  channelTitle: string;
   * The URN (Uniform Resource Name) associated with the channel.
  channelUrn: string;
   * The list of headlines associated with the program.
  headlineList: Array<Headline>;
 * Represents credit information.
export type Credit = {
   * The real name associated with the credit.
  realName: string;
   * The role of the individual associated with the credit.
  role: string;
   * The name associated with the credit.
  name: string;
 * Represents headline information.
export type Headline = {
   * The title of the headline.
  title: string;
   * The description of the headline.
  description: string;
 * Broadcasting organizations
export type VendorType = 'SRF' | 'RTR' | 'RTS' | 'RSI' | 'SWI' | 'SSATR';
 * Audio-only or includes video
export type AudioType = 'AUDIO' | 'VIDEO';
 * Reasons for content blocking
export type BlockReason =
  | 'LEGAL'
  | 'UNKNOWN';
 * Medium of transmission
export type TransmissionType = 'TV' | 'RADIO' | 'ONLINE';
 * Content quality
export type QualityType = 'SD' | 'HD' | 'HQ';
 * Source type for audio/video tracks
export type TrackSourceType = 'HLS' | 'HDS' | 'DASH';
 * Presentation format
export type PresentationType = 'DEFAULT' | 'VIDEO_360';
 * Enumerates various streaming methods
export type StreamingType = 'PROGRESSIVE' | 'M3UPLAYLIST' | 'HLS' | 'HDS' | 'RTMP' | 'DASH' | 'UNKNOWN';
 * Represents different token types for authentication
export type TokenType = 'AKAMAI' | 'NONE';

 * Represents the transformed format of a resource.
export interface MainResource {
   * Merged analytics data.
  analyticsData: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Merged analytics metadata.
  analyticsMetadata: {
    [x: string]: string;
   * Block reason from the main chapter.
  blockReason: BlockReason;
   * Blocked segments from the main chapter.
  blockedSegments: Array<Segment>;
   * Chapters from the main chapter.
  chapters: Array<Chapter>;
   * Vendor from the main chapter.
  vendor: VendorType;
   * List of DRM information from the resource.
  drmList: Array<DrmMetadata>;
   * DVR information from the resource.
  dvr: boolean;
   * Event data from the main chapter.
  eventData: string;
   * ID from the main chapter.
  id: string;
   * The url of the copyright image copyright from the main chapter.
  imageCopyright: string;
   * The url of the image from the main chapter.
  imageUrl: string;
   * Live status from the resource.
  live: boolean;
   * Media type from the main chapter.
  mediaType: AudioType;
   * MIME type from the resource.
  mimeType: string;
   * Presentation information from the resource.
  presentation: PresentationType;
   * Quality information from the resource.
  quality: QualityType;
   * Streaming information from the resource.
  streaming: StreamingType;
   * Stream offset from the resource.
  streamOffset: number;
   * Filtered external subtitles.
  subtitles: Array<Subtitle>;
   * The title of this resource.
  title: string;
   * Time intervals from the main chapter.
  intervals: Array<TimeInterval>;
   * Token type from the resource.
  tokenType: TokenType;
   * URL from the resource.
  url: string;
   * Chapter URN.
  urn: string;